Our company provides quality assurance and debugging services to ensure optimal game functionality for PCs, mobile devices or consoles. We develop detailed test documentation, select the right methodologies and apply the best strategies in order to rid the game of any flaws.


Game testing is a highly technical area of testing and requires the requisite skills to ensure high-quality consistent testing. Many companies have gone through Alpha and Beta releases, or game previews to get their games out to their audience and rely on their feedback to improve their games before they release it to the general public. In order to deliver a polished game that will be remembered and embraced by the community it is important to have a highly dedicated QA team back your product.

Hardware and Software Testing requirements

A large list of possible game configurations

Bug Reproducibility

Multiplayer testing requires a large number of concurrent online users

Determining how hard the game is for the intended audience

A large number of supported hardware for compatibility testing

Hardware And Software Testing Requirements

A Large List Of Possible Game Configurations

Bug Reproducibility

Multiplayer Testing Requires A Large Number Of Concurrent Online Users

Determining How Hard The Game Is For The Intended Audience

A Large Number Of Supported Hardware For Compatibility Testing

How can we help you?

Logigear has a proven track record in game testing across genres and technical levels. From traditional console games to cutting-edge VR experiences and the metaverse, our experienced team ensures your game meets high consumer expectations. With the fast-paced nature of game releases on multiple platforms, we prioritize thorough testing to guarantee a polished product, avoiding the pitfalls of a rushed or buggy launch.

Diverse mobile device testing ensures broad compatibility, allowing the game to reach a wide user base. This minimizes the client’s need to maintain a device pool that may become obsolete in a few years.

Thorough and well throughout exploratory testing in tracking down bug causes to ensure that bug reproducibility is clear and reliable.  

Large pool of available resources to ramp up quickly when the project dictates it, and to meet critical deadlines.

Extensive experience in game and toy testing, testing everything from handheld gaming devices, interactive toys, AI-powered controlled cars, Virtual Reality games, and fitness games. 

Usability and Fun Factor testing to ensure the new gamer experience is optimal, and reducing the learning curve of playing new titles. 

A clearly defined testing matrix ensures that all areas of the game are tested, including all levels, sounds, and graphic artifacts.  


Diverse mobile device testing ensures broad compatibility, allowing the game to reach a wide user base. This minimizes the client's need to maintain a device pool that may become obsolete in a few years.


Large pool of available resources to ramp up quickly when the project dictates it, and to meet critical deadlines.


Usability and Fun Factor testing to ensure the new gamer experience is optimal, and reducing the learning curve of playing new titles.


Thorough and well throughout exploratory testing in tracking down bug causes to ensure that bug reproducibility is clear and reliable.


Extensive experience in game and toy testing, testing everything from handheld gaming devices, interactive toys, AI-powered controlled cars, Virtual Reality games, and fitness games.


A clearly defined testing matrix ensures that all areas of the game are tested, including all levels, sounds, and graphic artifacts.


Our experience spans over a wide range of business verticals.

Finance & Banking




Network & IOT

Blockchain, Big data, AI

Logistics & Supply Chain

Finance & Banking




Network & IOT

Blockchain, Big data, AI

Logistics & Supply Chain

What can LogiGear help you achieve?

You are in search of an effective digital solution that can enhance revenue growth and cost optimization. We can help you!